
Showing posts from August, 2012

3-axis accelerometer motion detector project

Description: A 3-axis accelerometer sits at the heart of this project to provide a nifty little motion detector. Want to know who is stealing from the cookie jar? Want a simple home intrusion detector? Or to test your partner's driving skills? Then have a look at this: (Soldering required for this project) Video : Parts Required: Freetronics Eleven or any compatible Arduino Freetronics 3-Axis Accelerometer Module Male header pins Seeed Studio's Grove Base Shield Seeed Studio's Universal Cables Seeed Studio's Grove Button Seeed Studio's Grove Buzzer Mini Breadboard 4.5cm x 3.5cm Protoshield and female header pins 1 x LED 330 ohm resistor Wires 9V Battery + Battery Clip Instructions: Overlay the Seeed Studio Base Shield onto the Freetronics Eleven (or compatible Arduino). Use a Universal Cable to attach a Seeed Studio Grove Button to Analog Pin 0 on the Base Shield. The socket is located directly above the Freetronics Eleven Power plug, and next to the Reset but...