
Showing posts from October, 2012

Arduino UNO - XBee Setup

There are many XBee tutorials out there, but I could not find one that I could apply to my specific Arduino/Shield/Xbee configuration. While this particular configuration may not apply to you, perhaps it will send you in the right direction, so please read on. Please note, that your XBee shield may require you to perform extra steps, so please do further reading before jumping in head first. I am not an expert, so don't blame me if you fry your board. The following set of steps worked for me: Step 1: Download and Install X-CTU The easiest way to setup your XBee module is via the X-CTU software from Digi. It can be downloaded from their site here: Select  the Diagnostics, Utilities and MIBs section Download and install the XCTU 32-bit ver installer (do a virus check after download) Please note that this is for Windows platforms only ! FYI: We will run the software later Step 2: Upload the bare-minimum scrip...