Sometimes it would be useful to have a function to save data to a text file.
I plan to save some of my Arduino sensor data to a text file using the
Processing language.
Ninety percent of the following code comes from this
forum posting. Thank goodness for the internet, and for people like PhiLho and Cedric. I modified their code and ended up with this (to suit my own project):
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| /* ===================================================================== Project : Append data to a text file Author : ScottC Created : 16 Nov 2011 (Updated 26 Aug 2014) Description : Use the Processing language to store data on the computer. This code can be used to create a new text file or append to an existing file. Processing Version tested : 2.2.1 Reference:
=============================================================================== */
import; import;
void setup(){ String myFileName = "C:/SensorData/mySensorData.txt"; String mySensorData = "10,20,30,40,50"; //To insert data into a new file //saveData(myFileName, mySensorData, false); //To append data to an existing file saveData(myFileName, mySensorData, true); }
void draw(){ }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- SaveData: - This code is used to create/append data to a designated file. - fileName = the location of the output data file (String) - newData = the data to be stored in the file (String) - appendData = true if you want to append = false if you want to create a new file --------------------------------------------------------------*/ void saveData(String fileName, String newData, boolean appendData){ BufferedWriter bw = null; try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fileName, appendData); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); bw.write(newData + System.getProperty("line.separator")); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { if (bw != null){ try { bw.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } } }
This will append the sensor data of 10,20,30,40,50 to the end of mySensorData.txt file.
If I wanted to create a new text file instead, then I would call saveData in the following way:
saveData(myFileName, mySensorData, false);
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