Neural Network (Part 6) : Back Propagation, a worked example

A worked example of a Back-propagation training cycle.

In this example we will create a 2 layer network (as seen above), to accept 2 readings, and produce 2 outputs. The readings are (0,1) and the expectedOutputs in this example are (1,0).

Step 1: Create the network

NeuralNetwork NN = new NeuralNetwork();   
float[] readings = {0,1};
float[] expectedOutputs = {1,0};

This neural network will have randomised weights and biases when created.
Let us assume that the network generates the following random variables:

Layer1.Neuron1.Connection1.weight = cW111 = 0.3
Layer1.Neuron1.Connection2.weight = cW112 = 0.8
Layer1.Neuron1.Bias = bW11 = 0.5

Layer1.Neuron2.Connection1.weight = cW121 =  0.1
Layer1.Neuron2.Connection2.weight = cW122 =  0.1
Layer1.Neuron2.Bias = bW12 = 0.2

Layer2.Neuron1.Connection1.weight = cW211 = 0.6
Layer2.Neuron1.Connection2.weight = cW212 = 0.4
Layer2.Neuron1.Bias = bW21 = 0.4

Layer2.Neuron2.Connection1.weight = cW221 = 0.9
Layer2.Neuron2.Connection2.weight = cW222 = 0.9
Layer2.Neuron2.Bias = bW22 = 0.5

Step 2: Process the Readings through the Neural Network

a) Provide the Readings to the first layer, and calculate the neuron outputs

The readings provided to the neural network is (0,1), which go straight through to the first layer (layer1).
Starting with Layer 1:
Layer1.INPUT1 = 0
Layer1.INPUT2 =1

   Calculate Layer1.Neuron1.NeuronOutput
   ConnExit (cEx111) = ConnEntry (cEn111)  x Weight (cW111) = 0 x 0.3 = 0;
   ConnExit (cEx112) = ConnEntry (cEn112)  x Weight (cW112) = 1 x 0.8 = 0.8;
   Bias (bEx11) = ConnEntry (1) x Weight (bW11) = 1 x 0.4 = 0.4
   NeuronInputValue11 = 0 + 0.8 + 0.4 = 1.2
   NeuronOutputValue11 = 1/(1+EXP(-1 x 1.2)) = 0.768525
  Calculate Layer1.Neuron2.NeuronOutput
   ConnExit (cEx121) = ConnEntry (cEn121)  x Weight (cW121) = 0 x 0.1 = 0;
   ConnExit (cEx122) = ConnEntry (cEn122)  x Weight (cW122) = 1 x 0.1 = 0.1;
   Bias (bEx12) = ConnEntry (1) x Weight (bW12) = 1 x 0.2 = 0.2
   NeuronInputValue12 = 0 + 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.3
   NeuronOutputValue12 = 1/(1+EXP(-1 x 0.3)) = 0.574443

b) Provide LAYER2 with Layer 1 Outputs.

Now lets move to  Layer 2:
Layer2.INPUT1 = NeuronOutputValue11 = 0.768525
Layer2.INPUT2 = NeuronOutputValue12 = 0.574443

   Calculate Layer2.Neuron1.NeuronOutput
   ConnExit (cEx211) = (cEn211)  x Weight (cW211) = 0.768525 x 0.6 = 0.461115;
   ConnExit (cEx212) = (cEn212)  x Weight (cW212) = 0.574443 x 0.4 = 0.229777;
   Bias (bEx21) = ConnEntry (1) x Weight (bW21) = 1 x 0.4 = 0.4
   NeuronInputValue21 = 0.461115 + 0.229777 + 0.4 = 1.090892
   NeuronOutputValue21 = 1/(1+EXP(-1 x 1.090892)) = 0.74855
  Calculate Layer2.Neuron2.NeuronOutput
   ConnExit (cEx221) = (cEn221)  x Weight (cW221) = 0.768525  x 0.1 = 0.076853;
   ConnExit (cEx222) = (cEn222)  x Weight (cW222) = 0.574443  x 0.1 = 0.057444;
   Bias(bEx22) = ConnEntry (1) x Weight (bW22) = 1 x 0.5 = 0.5
   NeuronInputValue22 = 0.076853 + 0.057444 + 0.5 = 0.634297  
   NeuronOutputValue22 = 1/(1+EXP(-1 x 0.634297)) = 0.653463

Step 3) Calculate the delta error for neurons in layer 2
     -Because layer 2 is the last layer in this neural network -
      we will use the expected output data (1,0) to calculate the delta error.
Let Layer2.ExpectedOutput1 = eO21 = 1    
      Layer2.ActualOutput1= aO21 = NeuronOutputValue21= 0.74855         
      Layer2.Neuron1.deltaError1 = dE21

dE21 =     aO21       x      (1 - aO21)     x  (eO21 - aO21)
       =  (0.74855)  x  (1 - 0.74855)  x  (1 - 0.74855)
        = (0.74855)  x     (0.25145)     x    (0.25145)
        = 0.047329

Let Layer2.ExpectedOutput2 = eO22 = 0         
      Layer2.ActualOutput2     = aO22 = NeuronOutputValue22 = 0.653463      
      Layer2.Neuron2.deltaError = dE22

dE22  =      aO22       x      (1 - aO22)       x  (eO22 - aO22)
        = (0.653463)  x  (1 - 0.653463)  x  (0 - 0.653463)
        = (0.653463)  x     (0.346537)     x    (-0.653463)
        = -0.14797

Step 4) Calculate the delta error for neurons in layer 1

LAYER1.Neuron1 delta Error calculation

Let              Layer1.Neuron1.deltaError  = dE11 
                            Layer1.actualOutput1  = aO11 = NeuronOutputValue11 =  0.768525
      Layer2.Neuron1.Connection1.weight = cW211   =  0.6
                     Layer2.Neuron1.deltaError = dE21 =  0.047329
      Layer2.Neuron2.Connection1.weight = cW221   =  0.9
                     Layer2.Neuron2.deltaError = dE22 = -0.14797

dE11 = (aO11)          x  (1 -   aO11)         x ( [cW211   x   dE21]      +   [cW221  x    dE22] )
           = (0.768525) x   (1 - 0.768525)     x   ([0.6        x  0.047329]  +   [  0.9      x  -0.14797]  )
           = -0.01864

LAYER1.Neuron2 delta Error calculation

Let              Layer1.Neuron2.deltaError  = dE12 
                            Layer1.actualOutput2  = aO12    = NeuronOutputValue12 =  0.574443
      Layer2.Neuron1.Connection2.weight = cW212   =  0.4
                     Layer2.Neuron1.deltaError = dE21 =  0.047329
      Layer2.Neuron2.Connection2.weight = cW222   =  0.9
                     Layer2.Neuron2.deltaError = dE22 = -0.14797

dE12  = (aO12)          x  (1 -   aO12)         x ( [cW212  x     dE21]      +   [cW222  x    dE22] )
           = (0.574443) x   (1 - 0.574443)  x     ([0.4      x  0.047329]  +      [  0.9      x  -0.14797]  )
           = -0.02793

Step 5) Update Layer_2 neuron connection weights and bias (with a learning rate (LR) = 0.1)

Layer 2, Neuron 1 calculations:

Layer2.Neuron1.Connection1.New_weight = New_cW211
Layer2.Neuron1.Connection1.Old_weight   =   Old_cW211   = 0.6
Layer2.Neuron1.Connection1.connEntry =                 cEn211 = 0.768525
Layer2.Neuron1.deltaError =                                       dE21 = 0.047329

New_cW211 = Old_cW211 + (LR x cEn211 x dE21)
                     =    0.6            + (0.1 x 0.768525 x 0.047329)
                     =    0.6            + ( 0.003627)
                     =    0.603627

Layer2.Neuron1.Connection2.New_weight = New_cW212
Layer2.Neuron1.Connection2.Old_weight   =   Old_cW212 = 0.4
Layer2.Neuron1.Connection2.connEntry =                cEn212 = 0.574443
Layer2.Neuron1.deltaError =                                      dE21 = 0.047329

New_cW212 = Old_cW212 + (LR x cEn212 x dE21)
                     =    0.4            + (0.1 x 0.574443 x 0.047329)
                     =    0.4            + (0.002719)
                     =    0.402719

Layer2.Neuron1.New_Bias = New_Bias21
Layer2.Neuron1.Old_Bias =    Old_Bias21 = 0.4
Layer2.Neuron1.deltaError =             dE21 = 0.047329

New_Bias21 = Old_Bias21 + (LR x  1  x  de21)
                     =  0.4              + (0.1 x 1  x 0.047329)
                     =  0.4              + (0.0047329)
                     =  0.4047329


Layer 2, Neuron 2 calculations:

Layer2.Neuron2.Connection1.New_weight = New_cW221
Layer2.Neuron2.Connection1.Old_weight =    Old_cW221 = 0.9
Layer2.Neuron2.Connection1.connEntry =               cEn221 = 0.768525
Layer2.Neuron2.deltaError =                                     dE22 = -0.14797

New_cW221 = Old_cW221 + (LR x cEn221 x dE22)
                     =    0.9            + (0.1 x 0.768525 x -0.14797)
                     =    0.9            + ( -0.01137)
                     =    0.88863

Layer2.Neuron2.Connection2.New_weight = New_cW222
Layer2.Neuron2.Connection2.Old_weight =    Old_cW222 = 0.9
Layer2.Neuron2.Connection2.connEntry =              cEn222 = 0.574443
Layer2.Neuron2.deltaError =                                    dE22 = -0.14797

New_cW222 = Old_cW222 + (LR x cEn222 x dE22)
                     =    0.9            + (0.1 x 0.574443 x -0.14797)
                     =    0.9            + (-0.0085)
                     =    0.8915

Layer2.Neuron2.New_Bias = New_Bias22
Layer2.Neuron2.Old_Bias =    Old_Bias22 =  0.5
Layer2.Neuron2.deltaError =             dE22 = -0.14797

New_Bias22 = Old_Bias22 + (LR x  1  x  de22)
                     =  0.5              + (0.1 x  1  x  -0.14797)
                     =  0.5            +   (-0.014797)
                     =  0.485203


Step 6) Update Layer_1 neuron connection weights and bias.

Layer 1, Neuron 1 calculations:

Layer1.Neuron1.Connection1.New_weight = New_cW111
Layer1.Neuron1.Connection1.Old_weight   =   Old_cW111   =  0.3
Layer1.Neuron1.Connection1.connEntry =                 cEn111 = 0
Layer1.Neuron1.deltaError =                                       dE11 = -0.01864

New_cW111 = Old_cW111 + (LR   x  cEn111   x   dE11)
                     =  0.3              +   (0.1   x     0      x    -0.01864)
                     =  0.3              +   ( 0 )
                     =  0.3    

Layer1.Neuron1.Connection2.New_weight = New_cW112
Layer1.Neuron1.Connection2.Old_weight   =   Old_cW112 = 0.8
Layer1.Neuron1.Connection2.connEntry =               cEn112 = 1
Layer1.Neuron1.deltaError =                                      dE11 = -0.01864

New_cW112 = Old_cW112 + (LR   x  cEn112   x   dE11)
                     =  0.8    +            (0.1     x    1     x     -0.01864)
                     =  0.8    +            (-0.001864)
                     =  0.798136   

Layer1.Neuron1.New_Bias = New_Bias11
Layer1.Neuron1.Old_Bias =    Old_Bias11 = 0.5
Layer1.Neuron1.deltaError =             dE11 = -0.01864

New_Bias11 = Old_Bias11 + (LR   x  1   x  dE11)
                     =  0.5              + (0.1   x 1   x -0.01864 )
                     =  0.5              + (-0.001864)
                     =  0.498136


Layer 1, Neuron 2 calculations:

Layer1.Neuron2.Connection1.New_weight = New_cW121
Layer1.Neuron2.Connection1.Old_weight =    Old_cW121 = 0.1
Layer1.Neuron2.Connection1.connEntry =               cEn121 = 0
Layer1.Neuron2.deltaError =                                     dE12 =   -0.02793

New_cW121 = Old_cW121 + (LR  x  cEn121 x dE12)
                     =  0.1               + (0.1  x     0     x  -0.02793 )
                     =  0.1   +   (0)
                     =  0.1

Layer1.Neuron2.Connection2.New_weight = New_cW122
Layer1.Neuron2.Connection2.Old_weight =    Old_cW122 = 0.1
Layer1.Neuron2.Connection2.connEntry =              cEn122 = 1
Layer1.Neuron2.deltaError =                                    dE12 =  -0.02793

New_cW122 = Old_cW122 + (LR  x  cEn122  x   dE12)
                     =  0.1                + (0.1   x    1      x  -0.02793)
                     =  0.1    +  (-0.002793)
                     =  0.097207

Layer1.Neuron2.New_Bias = New_Bias12
Layer1.Neuron2.Old_Bias =    Old_Bias12 =  0.2
Layer1.Neuron2.deltaError =             dE12 =  -0.02793

New_Bias12 = Old_Bias12 + (LR    x  1  x  de12)
                     =  0.2             +   (0.1  x  1  x  -0.02793)
                     =  0.2             +  (-0.002793)
                     =  0.197207


All done. That was just one training cycle. Thank goodness we have computers !
A computer can process these calculations really quickly, and depending on how complicated your neural network is (ie. number of layers, and number of neurons per layer), you may find that the training procedure may take some time. But believe me, if you have designed it right, it is well worth the wait.
Because once you have the desired weights and bias values set up, you are good to go, and as you receive data, the computer can do a single forward pass in a fraction of a second, and you will get your desired output, hopefully :)

Here is a complete script that demonstrates the use of my neural network.
Neural Network (Part 7): Cut and Paste Code (click here).

If you liked my tutorial - please let me know in the comments. It is sometimes hard to know if anyone is actually reading this stuff. If you use my code in your own project, I am also happy for you to leave a link to a YouTube video etc in the comments also.

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